Chaperone Code of Conduct

FC Northwest Chaperone Code of Conduct:
FCNW coaches and players greatly appreciate the support of the chaperones as these travel events and opportunities cannot happen without their committed time. The focus is on the players and the responsibilities set forth either by the club or coaching staff are in support of a positive team experience.
FC Northwest Chaperones:

  • Are to provide a safe and healthy environment and to be aware of any player’s health or allergy concerns by communicating with the head coach of the travelling team prior to departure.
  • Are responsible for player’s money from time-to-time based on guidelines given by the coaching staff at the team travel meeting(s) or chaperone meeting. Players are responsible for their own personal “social media” devices. 
  • Are responsible for enforcing appropriate actions and behavior of I-Pod/phone usage. At no time will players be allowed to touch or use other players’ personal property, take pictures without the consent of the players involved or post any item on social media without the consent of the players involved.  Any concerns, issues or questions in regard to this are to be brought to the attention of the head coach of the travelling team IMMEDIATELY
  • Are responsible to know where the players who are in his/her care are at all times with the exception of when players are on the field in a game/practice situation. This is classified as the chaperones down time. 
  • Are responsible for adhering to meals as set out by individual team expectations and to make sure athletes are eating sufficiently at meals, are provided healthy snacks and are drinking plenty of fluids. 
  • Are to take frequent head counts of the players they are responsible for when traveling. Visual confirmation once settled and when at destination is very important. 
  • Are asked to enforce and promote appropriate clothing attire by players at all times. Chaperones should always dress in a neat and professional manner. 
  • Are required to assist in the case of an injury if called upon for support. The coach or first aid personnel will determine what type of assessment would be required. If the parent is not in attendance, a chaperone or club personnel would attend to the injury - this may include assessment at the hospital/clinic or a treatment plan (for example, frequent ice applications/elevation of limb, concussion care, etc.). 
  • Are not to provide permission to parents to take any player off the premises or to make alternative arrangements or plans for a player. Players travel to, during and from tournaments as a team.  ONLY the coach can allow a change from this policy. 
  • Are to enforce all curfew and schedule guidelines as outlined by the coaching staff in the pre-departure chaperone meeting. 
  • Are asked to portray a positive role model for players by maintaining an attitude of respect, patience and tact and are to conduct themselves in an appropriate, responsible manner 
  • Are to accompany players to all team events unless otherwise notified. 
  • Are not to consume alcohol or be under the influence of alcohol when in the presence of the players. 
  • Are not to consume or possess illegal substances or drugs or be under the influence of an illegal substance or drugs when in the presence of the players. 
  • Are to adhere to all smoking regulations and policies where applicable.  
  • Are to obtain a Criminal Record Check and submit it to the FCNW Travel Coordinator 30 days in advance of the travel departure date.   FCNW will reimburse the costs once the cleared check and receipt have been submitted.  This document will be kept on file and will be valid for three (3) years. 
  • Are responsible for transportation and food costs.  Accommodation costs will be covered in the team’s budgeted expenses. 
  • Are not to release players to anyone other than the authorized parent, guardian or other adult authorized by the parent or guardian upon return from the tournament and at the pick-up location. 

I have read and herby agree to abide by this Chaperone’s Code of Conduct as detailed above. I also agree to the travel rules, policies and procedures set out by FC Northwest.
Dated: ______________________________________
Signed: ___________________________________________________________________________
Dates of travel:  ___________________________________________________________________________

  • This agreement is valid for one (1) year from the date noted above and will be kept on file during this time.
  • A copy of this agreement will be provided to the chaperone and to the head coach of the travelling team for the duration of the tournament.



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